- KAT101
- Katana has many nodes for operation, e.g. MaterialAssign,
- The connections between nodes in NodeGraph only represent a light-weight relationship. The connection doesn't represent the direction of data-flow all the time, e.g. the connection between two MaterialAssign nodes doesn't represent a dependence at all.
- The philosopy of Katana is quite different from Maya, so let's keep an eye on Katana.
- Katana document
- katana_white_paper
GUI | Nodegraph | Nodes | Prameters |
Hierarchical set of data that can be presented to a renderer or other output process. Examples of data that can be held in the scenegraph include geometry, particle data, volumetric data, lights, instances of shader s and global option settings for renderers | Scenegraph | Locations | Attributes |
- Katana_1.6v2_ReleaseNotes
- RMS for Katana: